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Installation & Configuration Technical Requirement Document



The BEAM Installation and Configuration Technical Requirements Document was created to share the necessary information about the installation and configuration settings of the BEAM application.


The BEAM Installation and Configuration Technical Requirement Document covers the necessary work to perform the following operations respectively.

  1. Introduction and Scope
    1. System Requirements
      1. IIS and SQL Control
      2. Setup Redis
      3. eBA Setup
      4. BEAM Setup
      5. Possible Errors

System Requirements

Test System Requirements

Application and Database Management System Servers will run on the same server.

Image1System Requirements
Server ProcessorMin Intel Xeon 4-core processor
Server Ram16GB
Server Operating SystemWindows 2012 or higher 64 Bit
Web ServerIIS7 or later
FrameworkMicrosoft .NET Framework 4.8
DatabaseMS SQL Server 2012 or later,Oracle 12.1c or later
DB Disk Space50GB
Application Disk Space50GB

Live System Requirements

Image2System Requirements
Server ProcessorMin Intel Xeon 4-core processor
Server Ram32GB
Server Operating SystemWindows 2012 or higher 64 Bit
*Web Server**IIS7 or later,
FrameworkMicrosoft .NET Framework 4.8
DatabaseMS SQL Server 2012 or later,Oracle 12.1c or later
DB Disk Space150GB
Application Disk Space75GB
  1. IIS and SQL Control

While performing the setup process, run the setup files as an administrator. Make sure that IIS and SQL are installed before starting the installation. Figure 1.1 indicates the location where the IIS control will be performed.

Figure 1.1. Control Location

When IIS is turned on, there should be no sites under Default Web Site.

Image 1.2.Default Web Site

It is observed that all the installation files required for SQL are checked and all the requirements are installed.

Figure 1.3.SQL Servers and Add-Ins

If the IIS feature is not active on the system, the relevant steps can be advanced by activating IIS through Windows Features (Features to be activated in Figure 1.4).

Features to be Activated in Figure 1.4.


Installing Redis

After entering the folder where the Redis installation files are located, the installation process is started by running the file marked in the image below.

On the installation screen that opens, the installation is started with the "Next" button.

When the installation progress is finished, the installation process is completed with the "FINISH" button on the screen.

By entering the folder where the Redis installation is built, the file with the .conf extension enclosed in the red box in the image below is copied and renamed to****.conf and this copy is added to the same folder.

We right-click on the file we have copied and enter the file editing screen with the "EDIT" option. Any number suitable in the system should be entered into the "PORT" value in the opened text document.

***The port value entered in this field will also be used in the BEAM setup.

Then the "save" lines below should be arranged as in the marked part.

Once these edits are made, the file is saved and closed in this way. The edit made in the Save field must also be made in the original .conf file. (FOR Eba)

cd "C:\Program Files\Redis"

redis-server.exe --service-install --service-name Redis_BEAM

sc config Redis_BEAM DisplayName= "Redis (BEAM)"

The above code fragment is arranged so that the blue places are "InstanceName" and the red one is the name of the file we are editing, and it is run at the command prompt (cmd) as administrator. Then the "Redis (BEAM)" service that we have created in the services is run.

SQL Operations

SQL Create New User

By entering the SQL Server application, the directory titled "Security" is right-clicked on the directory on the left side of the screen, then the new user creation screen is entered with the "New ```>``` Login" options respectively.

On the "Login" screen that opens, the User name and Password information are determined. And it should be checked that the marked boxes are as in the picture below.

After determining the user information, the boxes shown in the picture below should be checked by selecting "Server Role" from the tabs in the upper left.

After these operations are done, the user creation process is completed with the "OK" Button.

SQL Create a New Database

In the SQL application, the directory titled "Database" is right-clicked in the directory located on the left side of the screen, from the drop-down list "New Database..." Selected.

In the Database creation screen that opens, any name should be written in the "Database Name" field and the name of the created user should be written in the "Owner" field. The remaining fields should be arranged as shown in the images below.

eBA Installation

Click on the eBA 6.2.0 Server Setup.exe file in the "BEAM" folder to start the EBA setup wizard. Fill in the fields as shown in Figure 4.1. and click Next.

Note: Never change the PRODUCTION field.

Figure 4.1.

In the window that appears, enter the connection information and click Next.

Figure 4.2.

Check if application pools and through IIS have been created and if the "Classic and version 4.0 fields" are selected.

In case of error (application pool-virtual path error), create the application pools from IIS.

Follow the steps below to create and application pools.

  • Right-click SitesDefaultWebSite.
    • Create addebanet/ebanet—ebanet/ebanetdm—ebanet/bchr application paths.

In the window that appears, complete the installation by clicking the Install button.

Follow the steps below for licensing.

Open C:/ eBALicenceManager.exe.

  • In the window that opens, click the Create License button.
    • Be in the license plate from
    • After the license request is approved, download the license file and copy it into the common folder.

Run stopeba and starteba in the C:\\Common\Install file respectively.

BEAM Installation

BEAM 2.18.... The setup file must be run as an administrator. After the "Extract" process is completed, the following selection screen will come first. Language options can be selected as "Turkish / English". Since this is the first time installation, the "Install/Install" option should be selected.

After these selections are made, the "BEAM Setup Wizard" will appear. On this screen, the installation steps are started with the "Next" button.

On the license agreement screen, the "I accept the terms of the license agreement" option is checked and the installation steps are continued with the "Next" button.

The directory to be installed will be created as shown in the picture below. After the directory selection process is completed, the installation continues with the "Next" button.

By right-clicking on the "Server Configuration Editor" screen, click on the "Add Database" option.

Then, on the next screen, "Instance Name" is written in the "Database Name" field. After checking the correctness of the "Source, Catalog, UserID" fields in the Connection String field, the connection is tested with the "Test Connection" button before entering the user password created in the "Password" field. If no mistake has been made, the "OK" button completes the addition process.

By switching to the Cache tab and making the arrangements shown in the picture below, the password specified for the user is entered in the "Password" field. The connection is tested with the test connection button and the information is entered correctly. Then the changes made with the "OK" button are saved.

By entering the "Instance" tab from the tabs above, the edits in the picture below are made. Then the changes are saved with the "OK" button.

Finally, in this editor, the settings in the "Settings" tab are edited as shown in the picture below and all edits made with the "Save" button are saved.

After recording, the screen marked "Default" is double-clicked on the screen where the edits will be made.

On the screen that opens;

"PRODUCTION" should be written in the "Eba Instance Name" field.

In the "Application Name" field, the application name information desired to appear in the server address should be entered.

After entering this information, the changes made with the "OK" button are saved and the installation process is completed with the "Next" button on the next screens. The installation screen is closed with the "Finish" button.

Configuration Controls

After the installation is completed, the folder where the installation process is done is entered and the folder named "Common" in it is opened. From within the Common folder, the "eBAClientConfigurator.exe" application is run as administrator.

1.On the screen that opens;

By selecting "localhost/default", you enter the edit page with the "Edit" button at the bottom and fill in the "Instance Name" field and save it with the "Ok" button.

Then, "Localhost/Controller1" is created with the "New" button at the bottom. Then, the information in it is filled in as in the picture below and the changes made with the "Ok" button are saved and this process is completed.

  1. As a next step, the application "eBAServerConfigurationEditor.exe" is run as administrator in the "Common" folder.

Eba's connection settings should also be added to the "Database, Cache, Instance" tabs at the top of the screen that opens.

After the settings are completed, the settings are saved with the "Save" button and the installation is completed.